The Oklahoma Regional Community Policing Institute’s (ORCPI) mission is to enable all community members, law enforcement, government officials, business leaders and merchants, educational professionals and students, to see themselves as stakeholders in building a safer Oklahoma. The community policing philosophy encourages a broader understanding between citizens and law enforcement, and focuses on a shared responsibility in preventing crime and making neighborhoods safer. ORCPI’s responsiveness and flexibility have earned respect for the program, and professional rewards for the partners who lend their resources to its goals. Feedback from participants has been outstanding, and state leaders have expressed confidence Oklahoma will become a national leader in community policing philosophy and training.
ORCPI was originally established in September 1997 as a part of the U.S. Department of Justice COPS Office initiative to form regional institutes to instill the community policing philosophy in law enforcement training and to generate interest among the nation’s community leaders in an effort to make neighborhoods safer and reduce the fear of crime among citizens. The ORCPI provides education and training workshops for law enforcement and citizens concerned with the prevention of crime and violence in their neighborhoods throughout the entire state of Oklahoma. Since its formation in 1997, the Institute has trained nearly 100,000 persons by conducting more than 1,500 classes, workshops, and conferences. It is estimated that over 4 million people have been indirectly affected by ORCPI programs.. The ORCPI is now managed through Educational Alternatives of Norman, Oklahoma.
Educational Alternative (EA), a private nonprofit, has been in the traffic safety and teen empowerment field since 1982 and has held a leadership role in teen driving 1issues. EA has partnered with the National Highway Safety Administration, the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office, and dozens of community organizations and court systems to focus on teenage drivers. EA was the lead agency, partnering with General Motors, in the successful primary seat belt law effort in Oklahoma.
Educational Alternatives is the founding and fiduciary partner in the Oklahoma Regional Community Policing Institute (ORCPI). The Institute is a partnership involving the Oklahoma Association of Chiefs of Police, the University of Oklahoma, Native American Law Enforcement, and a host of community partners. ORCPI was the lead agency for successful implementation of a five-state regional Teen Seat Belt Use initiative.